What is Meridian Therapy

We see guests as a whole, not by dividing them in organ parts. Meridian Therapy is soft and sensitive Japanese characteristic system based on the traditional orient medicine.


When diagnosing guests, we analyze their body by applying Yin & Yang theory, five phase ideas, etc. and catch messages from their inner voices. So even the body trouble seems to be the similar to other guests, factors leading to the trouble is different each by each.

That means our treatment is the only one for the guest, namely “custome-made treatment”.

However, it should be known that several conditions can take many months of treatment to obtain desired results. For instance, chronic low back pain that has been nagging someone for 10 years may see some very quick results, although, any substantial lasting effects would actually take months or even years of regular treatments.

The acupuncture practitioner will find out all they can about the particular condition and judge how frequent and how long treatment is required according to the severity and duration.

Currently American and European health insurance companies cover the charge paid to alternative medicines, including acupuncture treatment.

They concluded that premium paid to alternative medicine is less than that to modern medicine. Thus, acupuncutrre is old but the forefront medicine.

Specialty Treatment:

  • Lady’s problems
    (infertility, period problems, menopause, etc.)
  • Persistent head-ache, shoulder stiffness, low back pain
  • Fatigue, insomnia, distractive easily
  • Asthma, eczema
  • And much more